It is the prime time of year to get up early, go outside and enjoy Nature. Spend time using all of your senses to connect into the heartbeat of our environment. Wilderness is on your yard, park or garden. You do not have to travel to experience it! The key is to get out from behind your walls and windows and be in it.

Smith Rock Park

Tomorrow we go camping with friends and family at one of our favorite spots for a few days and then in two weeks a coaching client and I will spend a week in the back-country of the Jefferson Wilderness Area!

This will be his first trip to the Pacific Northwest. I am very excited to be his guide in the outdoors and be able to share my passion for the connection with Nature and how it powerfully impacts your day to day life once you have it.

I encourage you all to find the healing connection to the Earth and enjoy the power of slow. You will be grateful when you do.

As always I am here to assist if you have any questions, and enjoy the beginning of Summer!

